Friday, September 21, 2012

Science Behind Nik Wallenda's Walk Over Niagara Falls

Josh Edwards

Period 5/6

Megastunts: The Science Behind Nik Wallenda's Tightrope Walk Over Niagara Falls

By: ABC 30/30, ESPN Sports Science

                          On June 15, 2012, Nik Wallenda, A 7th generation tightrope walker, accomplished the

unthinkable by crossing from USA to Canada on wire as thick as about 3 pennies. This stunt took a lot

science to make it all possible so Nik didn't fall tumbling to his death. First, Nik's normal walks consisted of

people down on ground level known as sway guys who would help make the wire level and sturdy. Since

this was walk was over water they used a different method of keeping the wire sturdy by adding pendulums

to counteract with Nik's weight. Also, to help keep Nik's balance as he walked across the wire he held on

to a 40 lbs pole which help keep him sturdy upon the wire. Nik's crew and science team is always preparing

for even the unexpected after the tragic death of Nik's Great Grandfather, Karl Wallenda, who died due to

faulty wiring. The science crew also test the tensional strength of the wire to see how much pressure they can

put on the wire before it breaks. Scientist have learned from Nik's past walks the multiple safer ways to put

up the wire so they have less accidents that they can prevent. After it's all down to the wire as it's up to the

walker to keep their balance which becomes harder as you become limited from 3 balance point in your foot

to 2. A lot of science has been put into this and lots of studies are done before. History is made by the level

of concentration and work put into these walks. This video was chosen because I enjoyed the thrilling walk

over Niagara Falls and I was curious to know what was done to back this walk a success.

Note: Sorry for weird format. Will fix later, it's for a school paper. -JE

Friday, August 17, 2012

Visiting the Baltimore Harbor

             A few weeks ago, I visiting the great city of Baltimore, Maryland. In preparation for the walk across Niagara Falls, and to also open the new Ripley's Believe it or Not which is located right there on the harbor. Nik crossed the Baltimore Harbor. However, Nik almost fell off the rope, he still successfully made it across. As a gift to open the new Ripley's Believe it or Not museum, Nik gave them a piece of his tightrope and his wetsuit to put on display. Check out pictures of both below:
                The city of Baltimore is a strong supporter of Nik's. They are gracious around there. There is a memorial to his walk and people still talk about him months after he has left. I highly suggest any Nik Wallenda fan making a trip to Baltimore.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Baltimore Harbor

             I'm about ready to leave for my trip to Baltimore, Maryland. While in Baltimore, I plan on visiting the harbor which Nik crossed in his practice run for the Big Show, Niagara Falls. Nik almost fell during this walk as he lost concentration by talking to his friend in the bucket who was holding the rope steady. Nik finished this walk safely and was one step closer into history.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Karl Wallenda Tribute

Watch in horror as sadly, Karl Wallenda Falls to his death in  Puerto Rico, on March 22, 1978
Then watch as over 30 years later, Nik Wallenda and mother Deliah Wallenda honor Karl in the same walk.

Picture of The Day: July 19, 2012

                   Nik Wallenda steps over his mother, Delilah Wallenda, in his famous walk in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This wasn't any ordinary walk for Nik, nor was it another one of his famous record breaking stunts. This was a tribute to his Great-Grand Father Karl Wallenda, who died doing the same walk on  March 22, 1978. Although Karl's death was at the fault of a poor set up, this walk was still very touching and scary for the whole family. Nik's father Terry takes a lot of the blame for Karl falling as he wasn't there to set up the equiptment proparally for the walk. As proven by Nik's show, Beyond Niagara, it was the poor set up that caused Karl to fall to his tragic death. Terry was strongly persistent when saying he didn't want Nik to do this walk, but Nik wanted to in order to honor his fallen hero. Nik's mom wanted to attempt the walk with Nik as she thought it would be a great tribute to the man that taught her everything. Nik and Delilah walked in opposite directions during the walk. Horror was brought majorly towards the end of the walk as Nik slipped and almost had the same fiat as Karl. Nik mantained his balance and finished the walk. When he finished he pointed up to honor his fallen great grand father. Nik also kneeled at the exact spot Karl fell. This walk was truly a huge tribute to greatest tightrope walker that inspired Nik Wallenda. Without Karl's inspiration, Nik would have never been the King of The High Wire.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Amazing Picture

Check out this amazing picture Nik posted on his Twitter earlier today! It shows him starting his journy across the great Niagara Falls!

Watch Nik Wallenda's Walk All Over Again!

Watch Nik Wallenda's Walk over Niagara Falls Again At:

Sorry If anyone can help me get video to show on blog please let me know!

Picture Of The Day: July 18, 2012

Nik is pictured here with his family. Nik and his wife Erendira Wallenda, on far right, with his dad Terry Troffer, and mother, Delilah Wallenda and Blake Reed-Wallenda, on far left. This picture was taken at his home in Florida in March as he was getting ready to start his training for his Daredevil stunt across Niagara Falls.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Picture of The Day: July 16, 2012

                This picture is of Nik as he did a practice walk in preperation for the Falls. However this wasn't a normal practice walk. This was over Baltimore Harbor. Nik almost fell here but he regained his consotration and gained his balence and finished the walk. As usual Nik was not scared even though everyone else was. But who wouldn't be scared after a similar sitiuation occured to his Great-Grand Father Karl Wallenda and lead to his death.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Picture of The Day: July 15, 2012

This is a shot of Daredevil Nik Wallenda as he is preparing to set up his dream after he announces that he will cross Niagara Falls. Nik looks very calm and is already ready for the challenge even before he has started his training.



1 Month Later... What's Next For The King of The Highwire?

                       One month following Nik Wallenda's Daredevil stunt, Nik is already planning his next stunts. What's next for the daredevil? Well most people already knew his plans to cross the Grand Canyon which he announced following his historical walk across the Falls. He also is currently preparing for his show he is doing in Atlantic City, called,  "Beyond the Falls: Nik Wallenda and the Wallenda Family Experience." This event will not only showcase Nik's talents. but also other members of the famous Wallenda Family. Nik has also said he plans to become to first person to tight rope across two continents, Europe and Asia. Nik knows he will have to work harder this time if he wants to once again accomplish his dreams. "I've had a vision for my name since I was very young, that I was going to take it to the top of my industry," he says. His wirewalking "wishlist" includes traversing the Eurasian continental divide in Turkey and Inca ruins at Macchu Picchu. "There's a lot of expectations on my end," he says, adding he wants to "[reinvent] the circus." "Whenever we're someplace unique or different," says Wallenda's wife, "he's always looking around — 'Oh, I could string a wire from here to there and walk there.'"

                         Off the tightrope, Nik is a very loving father to his 3 children. He is always mentioning on his Twitter how he is doing things with his family. Like today he tweeted "Family Fun Day at Table Rock lake! " Nik is always out and about with his family. Also, Nik is currently writing an autobiography about his experiences. Nik had started the show "Nik Wallenda: Beyond the Niagara" with the Science Discovery Channel, however after a few weeks, it was postponed until further notice in the U.S. The show highlighted the other stunning daredevil attempts Nik has attempted.

                          Before this walk, Nik has never wore a harness, he later stated “I never wore a harness   until the day before (the stunt), but ABC demanded it,” he said. He added the network threatened to withdraw its financial support of the event if he refused. “It’s exciting to know that I was part of history,” Wallenda said, looking back on his stunning walk.  “What a blessing, the life that I’ve had so far. To be able to complete something that no one in the world ever has is quite an honor.” Nik continues to have a strong christian faith in his life. He knows without the help of god, he wouldn't have survived. He walked by faith and not sight. “It’s a lot of forearm work and my forearm just started to cramp worse than it ever has been before. I don’t know if it had to do with tension more than anything but it cramped up really bad,” he said. “Mentally, your mind goes, ‘What are you doing?’ That’s where I tell myself you’re on a wire. The wire is the same whether you’re over land or over water or over the moon, it’s still the same so focus on the wire and, again, focus on the other side,” he said. Nik knows the Falls was only the beginning. Nik is ready for what ever new challenges are put in front of him. However, the walk over the Niagara will never be forgotten. His future is bound to be even more exciting.

Nik Wallenda Signing

Wallenda at his apperance

Wallenda Crosssing Niagara Falls, June 15, 2012

Daredevil Tight Rope Walker Nik Wallenda did his first autograph appearance on the U.S. side of the Falls 2 days after the walk at the Factory Outlet Mall on in Niagara Falls, New York. Hundreds of fans came to meet their hero as they flocked the signing. Unfortunately, security was very tight and only aloud Nik to stay for his scheduled hour and a half. He signed provided 8x10 and other items people brought. Some unique pieces were Newspaper articles, Paintings, posters, and t-shirts. For those of you who don't know who Nik Wallenda is, he is 7th generation tight top walker which originated by his Great Grand Father Karl Wallenda and the Flying Wallendas. Nik Wallenda most recentally crossed the world famous Niagara Falls on a 2-inch wire (Only 3 pennines wide!). Unfortunally I arrivied at the signing late and was unable to get a signature. However, I manged to get one of the 8x10 He was signing, unsigned. I hope I eventaully get to meet Mr. Wallenda as he is a very great guy and very inspirational. Here's the 8x10 he was signing:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wallenda Walk

                Many of you may know about the topic of this article considering this event was broad casted around the whole world last week and over 16 Million people watched as Nik Wallenda, a 7th generation tightrope walker, made a famous walk across the world wonder Niagara Falls. The Falls separates the border between the United States and Canada and the water from 4 of the 5 Great Lakes flow into the Falls. This daring stunt has never happened. In the past, people have crossed the gorge but never directly over Niagara Falls. Nik Wallenda completed the unthinkable on June 15, 2012. 

                   Wallenda has always dreamed of being able to walk the high wire over Niagara Falls since he was a little 6 year old. Nik has accomplished and owns 6 different World Records. He isn't just known for his stunts on the high wire, he attempts many dangerous stunts, others wouldn't dare attempt. Nik Wallenda is a direct descendant of Karl Wallenda, whom he calls his role model and his "biggest hero in life." Wallenda enjoys the family business. "I like to mix it up," he says. "It keeps [our family] on our toes and gives the public something new to see every year." The whole family is involved in the preforming business, including his young children who also plan on preforming in the future. Stunts have been in his family since the 1700s. His great grand father, Karl Wallenda, was the founder of the world famous flying Wallendas. Tragically, Karl lost his life doing what he loved and during every event, the family make sure to honor him in some way. Wallenda even has his shoes made by his mom. It's always been a family tradition that his mom made the shoes.

                     What made this daredevil cross the Falls? His heart and desire. Wallenda has a strong faith in god and loves what he does. He doesn't do it for the fame and fortune, he does it because he enjoys it, wants to continue on the family legacy, and entertain the fans. Wallenda spent more then 2 years pleading with the government officials from both sides of the border in order to make this walk happen. The daredevil was denied multiple times, yet he wasn't giving up without a fight. Finally the date was set. June 15, Wallenda would walk Niagara Falls. Wallenda's practices began. Wallenda did a walk across Baltimore Harbor. People were scared after this as he almost fell from the high wire and he hadn't even fasted the major conditions of Falls. Wallenda claimed to have been talking to his friend in the bucket when he almost fell and it caused him to lose concentration. 
                       Wallenda then started to prepare for the real thing at practices outside the Seneca Niagara Casino for almost 2 weeks. He had fire hoses and a jet from a boat that helped him get the feel for the elements of the Falls. At his last practice Wallenda stated, " We gained a huge amount of experience here, we learned a lot about how the cable will react." Nik felt very confident and tired following his final practice and was ready to return home to relax before his big day.

                            June 15 came and there was little change in plans. His major sponsor, ABC, made Nik wear a harness. Nik felt this would lose a lot of value to the event. Making the event less dangerous but did the stunt anyways. Before his walk, him and his family prayed and said their final good byes. During the walk Wallenda was talking to his dad. Also, Nik was was very connected with god and continuously prayed through the whole walk. He was not nervous at all during the walk and was very confident. Nik made across way faster then predicted. It took a little more then 25 mins. Nik accomplished his life long dream.

                             “It’s exciting to know that I was part of history,” Wallenda, 33, said, looking back on his stunning accomplishment Friday night.  “What a blessing, the life that I’ve had so far. To be able to complete something that no one in the world ever has is quite an honor.” “Mentally, your mind goes, ‘What are you doing?’ That’s where I tell myself you’re on a wire. The wire is the same whether you’re over land or over water or over the moon, it’s still the same so focus on the wire and, again, focus on the other side,” he said.
Wallenda will never forget his trip over the high wire. He already has plans to return to Niagara Falls very soon. Also, he already received the permit to cross the Grand Canyon.


Welcome to my newest blog! This blog will honor and be a fan page for the true King of The Highwire, Nik Wallenda. If you are a fan of Nik, you will enjoy this blog. This blog will include news updates, stories, and picture of the day highlighting Nik's career! I hope you enjoy!